
If you enjoy nature’s playground, the Biddeford Campus of UNE is the place to be. 离许多户外娱乐场所很近, 你在户外的乐趣选择是无止境的. 划独木舟, 皮划艇, 滑雪, 航行, 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 冲浪, 野营, 攀岩, or lying on the beach are all ways that UNE students have fun on the weekends. 拿上你的装备,出发吧.




康乐局由下列俱乐部组成. 康乐理事会各分会鼓励新会员 通过参与门户网站取得联系.


校园里最大的社团之一, 郊游俱乐部 offers members numerous opportunities to explore Maine and New Hampshire — including an 每年春假旅行. If you like 徒步旅行, 攀岩, 皮划艇, or 野营, then 郊游俱乐部 is for you.



The UNE 帆船俱乐部 offers learn-to-sail clinics throughout the semester in 420 sailboats steps from residence halls. Additional off-campus charters on traditional Maine Schooners and the opportunity to race amongst other collegiate teams keep students involved.


想学习水肺潜水? Scuba Club hosts PADI certification classes and open-water dives each year. 当水太冷的时候, the club moves into the UNE pool and enjoys the warm water to practice skills and have fun.


想在山上度过你的冬天? 骑行24/7提供骑行到当地的山脉, 打折季票, 和当地的项目分享对高山运动的热爱.


With some of the best 冲浪 on the east coast just minutes from the UNE campus, 冲浪俱乐部 has a great time teaching students how to surf and getting out on the waves. Join the club and borrow equipment anytime to catch a wave (restrictions apply).



职业研究/ Pre-OT


正规澳门赌场网络的气氛和每个人都很好,真的把我吸引到了这里. 我也喜欢这个古色古香的校园. 我们就在水面上, 在校园里走来走去, 人们会为你开门, 向你问好, 不要忽视你. 你实际上是一个人. You can walk up to anyone or walk around the hallways and start a full-on conversation with anyone.

I wanted to be an occupational therapist right out of high school because of an internship where I shadowed OTs, 分, 语言治疗师. 就像我开始主修一样, 它涵盖了所有健康领域, and it's a very holistic way of looking at health — I really liked that aspect of it. 这是一个以人为本的专业和职业道路, which is something that's really important as our society is moving away from that.


我真的很投入 郊游俱乐部 大一下学期. 到学期末,我竞选了俱乐部主席,并当选了. 两年来,我一直在做这件事,并计划所有的旅行. I started our first 每年春假旅行, which was really exciting and super successful.

我们和10个人一起去了犹他州的锡安国家公园. I came up with the idea for a spring break trip because we do so many awesome, 很酷的东西, 我觉得, 为什么不更进一步呢? I chose different hikes for different days and found an affordable campground right near the national park. We coordinated to book flights, made a plan for food — then we just went for it.

There were two days that we hiked Angels Landing, which was incredible. Then we did Observation Point, which is an 8-mile roundtrip hike that’s unexplainably pretty. We even saw snow at one point on that trail, but we were also in the desert, so it was really unique. 在其他的日子里,我们做了一些较小的徒步旅行. It was a really good bonding experience — the people from that trip are some of my closest friends.


毕业后,我打算申请研究生院. 我可能会留在正规澳门赌场网络,然后去 M.S.O.T. 程序. I think the way we’re taught lets you know what to expect and really helps you succeed in whatever 程序 you're going to go into. There are so many resources on campus that help you through the steps of getting into grad school or job searches. UNE also helped me find and assisted me in applying for my upcoming internship with Momentum in Windham.

UNE is the perfect place to go if you are looking for a small school. 所有的教授都很棒, 我认为你在很多地方都找不到这种情况. The professors and advisors that I have go out of their way to assist me and make me comfortable and a priority. All of them know me by name and have a sense of what I'm doing with my life and my interests and hobbies. 他们只是真心希望你成功. 我认为这是上学的一个重要部分.

我真的很投入 郊游俱乐部, we went out to Utah to Zion National Park [for spring break]. We coordinated to book flights, made a plan for food — then we just went for it. We hiked Angels Landing, Observation Point, and a bunch of smaller hikes. It was a really good bonding experience — the people from that trip are some of my closest friends.

职业研究/ Pre-OT


The 设备间 is fully stocked for your next outdoor adventure. 查看我们在校园中心提供的服务,包括:

  • 背包
  • XC滑雪板和靴子
  • 潜水服
  • Camping equipment such as sleeping bags, rain guards, cooking items, and more
  • 自行车和滑雪/滑雪板维修和调整
  • 地图和旅游指南


户外休闲 equipment is available for rent Thursday through Sunday each week. 询问设备的可用性 给机房发邮件至equipmentrentals@azarnewsonline.com. 的问题, 就可用设备进行咨询, 或在标准预订时间外要求设备 email Mira D’Amato, coordinator of 户外休闲 and Education at mdamato1@azarnewsonline.com


没有自行车, no problem — UNE’s Nor’easter Bike Share is designed to make your life on campus more mobile and enjoyable. Whether you want to ride across campus or to the beach, this opportunity was made for you. It’s free for students to use and bikes are available at three locations, 校园中心, Alfond论坛, 和帕多瓦宿舍.

  1. 下载共享单车应用到你的安卓或苹果手机上. 
  2. Register for the UNE 复活节共享单车 程序 using your UNE email address. 接受放弃条款和程序使用条款. 
  3. 验证将转到您的UNE电子邮件. 完成这封电子邮件中列出的步骤. 
  • 打开共享单车应用. 
  • 点击可用的自行车,等待自行车加载. 
  • 使用手机的蓝牙. 选择您要租用的自行车号码. 
  • 自行车会自动从车架上解锁.
  • 骑前检查自行车. 在共享单车应用中报告任何问题. 自行车必须归还到停靠站.
  • 把自行车固定在车架上的大头针上. 
  • 确保自行车安全地锁在车架上. 
  • 租期将自动结束. 
建筑 位置
Morgane大厅  主入口
Decary大厅 主入口及入口
小卡车大厅  主入口
凯彻姆库  主入口
伦纳德大厅 主入口
Featherman大厅 大楼的前面和后面
阿维拉大厅 最靠近阿西西大厅的大楼尽头
帕多瓦大厅 靠近锡耶纳大厅的大楼尽头
锡耶纳大厅 在大楼的左边
阿方德科学楼 斯特拉·马里斯大厅附近的正门
阿西西大厅 大楼后面,洗衣房入口附近
东大厅 河边的入口
西大厅 河边的入口
房地美大厅  大楼尽头,朝山滩路的方向.
尚普兰大厅 主入口
海洋科学大楼 主入口
宠物健康中心 主入口
Sokokis大厅  大楼的池塘边
创意艺术大厦 在大楼后面,停车场附近
  • 租期为4小时,只从早上6点开始.m.–11 p.m. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in suspension of usage.  
  • Secure your bike properly when not in use during your reservation period to avoid your rental being stolen. 偷来的, 不回, or damaged bikes are the responsibility of the renter and may be charged to your student account. 更换自行车的费用是875美元.
  • When on campus, please use any available bike rack to secure your rental. 将你的租赁固定在树上或柱子上是不允许的.
  • 自行车可以带出校园,用公共汽车运送. Plan accordingly to return your bike within the 4-hour time limit and/or by 11 p.m. 
